First Week of Driving!

Posted on 1.9.07 - 2 comments -

I have survived my first week of driving... Praise the Lord! It's been rainy, wet, and dark, I've missed a turn once, almost ran out of gas another time, but I'm safe and sound, and even managed to squeeze in some errands for...

My Parent's 22nd Wedding Anniversary!

Yes, that's right! And you ask, how can this be, since today they only look 23? :-) They are such a good example to me of how a marriage should be. I'm so proud of them, and I love them very much. Congratulations Mom and Dad, may the Lord bless you with many more.

There has been 2 Responses to 'First Week of Driving!' so far

  1. Cindy says:

    Way to go on the driving!