I've Reached the Bottom of the Proverbial Hill

Posted on 30.4.09 - 0 comments -

Today is my 20th birthday.

It seems unreal to be 20. Not that I'm super excited to be so very old, but it just feels strange. Like I can't put years on the experiences. It has been sort of a giant blur, but sort of not. It is hard to explain. I don't think I'll ever understand the flow of time. Sometimes it crawls by, and sometimes it rushes so fast you cannot even breathe for fear of missing a day. I have trouble remembering my siblings ages, sometimes because I'm ridiculously forgetful but also because my brain simply refuses to believe that my baby brother is almost 10. Michael, who still seems to me to be the little one who is shy in front of all adults is now a confident 15 year old. Even as I type this, my mom is correcting the dates. It is unbelievable to me.

I guess this is a good thing. I feel like I'm attached to them, and their personalities are ingrained in my mind even when I have to be apart so much because of school and work. I am so glad that I took my parent's wise advice and that I live at home through college. I wouldn't give up being with my family for any collegiate games or mindless parties. It's worth too much.

I'd like to thank those on flickr who have been an encouragement for the couple of years I've been posting. You guys have been my photography school. I've enjoyed looking over your photos, and I really appreciate your input on mine. Thanks.

More importantly, I want to thank my parents. Mom and Dad, you have been the biggest encouragement to me. I'd rather you see my photos and hear your approval than 10,000 flickrites and explores on every photo. You have given me wonderful ideas, put in me in treacherous situations where I have had to grow, and taught me so much about what is really important. To anyone who reads this who is still with their parents, I would recommend that you listen to them, even when it doesn't make sense. They know what they are talking about. ALWAYS. The older I grow, the more I need to listen and take their advice, even as I become more independent in some ways. I firmly believe in what they have taught me, and intend to follow it, no matter what the rest of the world says.

Anyway. Thank you all.


As is my new custom, I have to take a picture of the birthday individual on their birthday. This means self portrait. * sigh *

I shot around the house, taking advantage of the soft light from the clouds. I settled on shooting beside our 6 foot trailer. It was nice because it bounced light back at my head, and provided an even background. I focused the camera on one of the rivets on the trailer where my head was going to be, then photoshopped out the other ones in post pro. My sister kindly held my reflector for a fill.


One reflector held to camera's lower light, light bouncing off pavement as well, and bouncing off the trailer behind me for backlight.

View Large On Black (not that you really want to view me that close, but still.)

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