I am really enjoying the camera. Very recently, I was enjoying it *so* much, I kneeled in an ant line while taking pics of a lily. The photo turned out well... but my leg is currently sooo swollen, it hurts to walk!
Posted on 14.10.07 - 2 comments - flower, ouch, photography
There has been 2 Responses to 'Moral: Watch the Ground when you are taking Photos' so far
Unknown says:
This pic is so good that Wikipedia would probably classify this as a "Quality Photo". You have amazing photography skills! Did you take any photograpy courses or classes or read any good books that you would recommend?
Evan Travers says:
Well... no, I've never taken any courses or anything. I just obey the two rules of three.
1. The first rule of three is that to acheive balance in a photo, you can think about placing the subject in some way so that it is in one third of the frame. Hence the off centeredness in the lily. It usually works well.
2. The second rule of three has three groups of three words (and I made it up.)
Shoot in RAW.
Tweak in photoshop.
Tweak some more.
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