Today's great idea comes courtesy of Alex Rudloff, and is titled Fold It. Quite simply, fold.it is crowd sourcing the task of folding proteins in matter, in the form of a puzzle game. In other words, it's goal is to solve massively important and difficult problems in protein folding, by out sourcing small bits of it to hundreds of gamers wanting to kill some time. It's an incredibly cool concept, and very neat. You sign up, and you work your way through puzzles, that explain the problems, and how you solve it. It gets more and more difficult, and eventually, you can compete in teams to solve large scale puzzles together, possibly with the end of actually helping science out! Give it a try, maybe you'll help develop a cure for a disease. Currently, all the puzzles have solutions, but the leadership has indicated that soon they will implement puzzles for which science has no solution. Could you get a Nobel Prize for playing a webgame? You never know.