Mac Productivity Tip: Navigating the Finder Using the Keyboard

Posted on 12.8.09 - View Comments

I’ve always been frustrated since I switched to mac by the file picker dialogues in the Finder and in different programs that utilize that format. I got past the return key being the rename button, but what frustrated me was the inability to navigate down through levels in programs, specifically in coding or editing software.

A good example is software like the excellent FTP program by Panic Software, Transmit. When I want to drill down to a folder called “Banter”, I can start typing “ba…” in order to get to there, but up to this point I’ve grabbed the mouse, double clicked on the folder, and continued as such until I found the document/folder I was looking for. This having to grab the mouse every time has *frustrated* me to no end.

No more.

Today’s shortcut is so mind-blowingly simple, I found it by accident and I feel stupid for not figuring it out before. In the Finder, the shortcut for moving up a level is CMD + UP ARROW. Logically enough, the default open behavior in file pickers is CMD + DOWN. Before, I was frustrated, because in the Finder you can press CMD + O to open, but in software CMD + O brings up an Open File dialog by default. Using the CMD + DOWN ARROW shortcut, you can navigate the file dialogs such as the ones in Transmit, Coda, Textmate, and Espresso with speed and ease.

Stay tuned for more mac tips such as this one, and please share the link with your friends!
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